Monday, February 21, 2011

"OH, Delaware!"

         So, if you have read my other posts, you know I try to be a little clever with my titles. And this time is no different. This was something I said while I was in Raleigh, North Carolina this weekend. It was a fun and busy weekend. Some of the girls on my hall and I went home with one of my newest and dearest friends. I ended up driving. So as we were driving through the city of Raleigh, I hear this car honking at me… I like to think that I am a pretty good driver, these days.  {I will eventually explain about my driving record from High School; My Senior Superlative was ‘Worst Driver’}   So I said, “Who is this honking at me? What’s going on?” As this guy zoomed past I realized he kept looking back at me, which is quite strange… until he got in front of me! With elation, I then squealed, “OH, Delaware!!!”  I am assuming that we were both very excited to see another Delaware car while driving in North Carolina since he honked and I squealed.
Thus ends the story of my title.
         I am sorry that I have not been keeping up with this as I had originally planned, but I have actually been putting homework before other things, and actually getting stuff done! Ha
         I do have fun writing these random little stories. So I think that by writing them sporadically will add to their charm. Also, I do realize that very few people follow what I am doing, but that is so okay. As I have said (or at least I meant to) this is really just something for me to look back at one day and have a good laugh!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Chick Flick!"

So here it is at the end of the day and I have yet to do anything that resembles homework… my constant struggle. If I could go to school and go to class with out having to do homework or have tests and quizzes, I would be so happy. I love being able to ‘hangout’ (as they say) and be with my friends, it is just so fun!
            Unfortunately, I have watched 3 movies since I got back from my internship and meeting… “13 going on 30”, “10 things I Hate About You”, and “Runaway Bride.”  I’m not sure what they all have to do with each other, but they have been fun to watch. A fun fact about “Runaway Bride” part of it was filmed about 20 minutes away from my grandmother’s house. I have had lunch at the hotel where Richard Gere’s character stays while he is in Maryland.
            This has been an interesting evening… to say the very least. This weekend is CFAW here at Liberty. For those of you not in the know that stands for College For A Weekend. That is when several hundred high school students come to visit the world’s most exciting university, and have the opportunity to stay on the residence halls! So my RA has been on what is known as Lock Down as the CFAWers were coming in. That was why I have been in her room
            Short post today, but hopefully much more to come.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Call Me Intern"

            So on Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to my internship. It is at this wonderful little shop called Mahone’s Wallpaper Shop. It is owned by a lovely couple, Melissa and Patrick Mahone. Patrick’s mother, Carolyn, also works there. (I hope it’s ok for my to use there names, I’m gonna go with ‘yes, it’s ok’ sense they have their own blog). I love love love working with them. They do not just sell wallpaper, they also have a large selection of paints and fabrics. Well, all of this introduction is for a short story about a dumb thing I did today… I was assigned the task of writing the prices in the back of the fabric books. I was going through them much faster than I thought I would, and then I realized what I had done. I had neglected to add the markup to the cost… needless to say I will be quite busy this Thursday.
            On a more exciting note, ‘glee’ comes on this evening! I don’t completely understand why I am so attracted/addicted to this silly little show, but I am.
            So, I’m thinkin’ that this post is a little lack luster. I had some pretty good thoughts (or so I thought) to share with you today, but apparently not good enough for me to remember to actually write down.
            I think that this might be all for today. There is a mountain of homework in my very near future, including  some online quizzes to take and several pages of material to read and outline...
            So, as my childhood friend Tigger would say, "T-T-F-N! Ta-Ta For Now!"

Monday, February 7, 2011

"V day is coming"

     So, this is my first post on my new blog... I'm not really sure what  made me decide to start writing, but I'm glad I did. This is something just for fun; I have a lot of thoughts and I think it would be fun to keep track of them. So, of course, my first reaction is to write them where everyone can read them. I have not really decided how often I will be posting, but Hopefully it will be on a regular basis.  
     First of all, Let me just say I AM SAVED BY THE GRACE OF GOD! I am so happy to say that I love Jesus and ECSTATIC that He loves my with His perfect and never-ending love!  
     The title I chose is some silly little thing I saw in movie, though not in the way I am using it. The V, in this case, is for Valentines. I felt it was appropriate to start this blog exactly 7 days before "V-Day 2011." I'm not sure what significance this has, but my hope is by the time I finish this beginning post I will have come to some sort of conclusion.
     Before digging into this specific post title, I want to mention something about the working title of this blog: "My Life In A Bubble...?" The specific wording is taken from one of my dear friend's school project, I chose it for this blog as a sort of joke. I attend the world most exciting university, Liberty University. Many say that it is a bubble, but there are some who go against that by saying it is a greenhouse that grows "Champions for Christ"! {I hope to eventually explain some of the wonderful things that make LU what it is} 
     As for Valentines Day, I used to love, and still do, giving out those cheesy little valentine cards that come in kits. I just really enjoy giving them to people! I have never had a 'real valentine' (whatever that means), and I am finally not ashamed to admit it. God has an AMAZING plan for my life, and I cannot wait to see what he has planned for me.

{side note: one reason I LOVE certain holidays is because I love the color red! strange, I know, but it's my favorite color. Valentine's is one such holiday. CHRISTmas is the other, if you were wondering, but more about that love later}

     One unfortunate part about attending the World's Most Exciting University, is this silent encouragement/push that this is the perfect place to find your spouse. In my case, this would be the best place for me to find a Christian Husband... I am looking for a Christian husband, but I'm not limiting myself to the Liberty dating pool. That is more than enough on relationships for today.
     I really hope that this has not seemed too choppy of a post, but that is just how my mind jumps from topic to topic. I would love to add more, but I think this is enough for today. I will probably changing things around for a little while, as  I am trying to get used to this whole, baring my soul to the world thing. As for putting up a picture, that may or may not happen. Also, I might just have to make this an everyday thing, unless it gets to be too much of a distraction.

p.s.- As for the significance of this being posted exactly seven days before V-day, there is none it is just a coincidence.